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Are grape seeds or acai berries better antioxidants? Which one should choose?

Updated: May 12, 2024

The biggest role of antioxidants is to maintain the quantity and quality of collagen, lighten spots and brighten skin tone, and improve physical fitness and immunity. Antioxidants can be divided into plant groups and chemical groups. The plant group includes grapes and various berries, and the chemical group includes coenzymes, alpha-lipoic acid, astaxanthin, etc.

Grape seed extract: Grape seeds contain the unsaturated fatty acid linoleic acid, vitamin E, flavonoids, and important anthocyanins. Grape seeds are rich in vitamin E, which can scavenge free radicals in oil, fight against cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and delay aging; the special ingredient contained in grape seeds is anthocyanidin, which has a strong antioxidant and eliminates free radicals. As a base, anthocyanin is considered a good skincare product because it helps vitamin C synthesize and repair collagen in connective tissue, maintain skin elasticity and smoothness, and reduce UV damage to the skin.

Acai Berry is a purple berry of a palm tree in Brazil and the Amazon River Basin in South America. The local people use it as a food or food additive, as a healthcare product, and for the treatment of various diseases. Its dry powder contains about 50% sugar, including rich fiber; 8% protein, and 30% fat, which is a rare plant food with high-fat content.

Acai berry extract is rich in polyphenols, mainly anthocyanidin, which belongs to isoflavones. However, like other polyphenols, after digestion and destruction, especially after absorption, it is metabolized by the liver, and its antioxidant effect is greatly reduced - less than 10%. Acai berries are rich in fat, and alpha-linolenic acid is one of the essential fatty acids and omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. Another benefit of raspberries is that they are rich in fiber, which can help relieve constipation.



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